An assassin who looks like Gary Caughman, (the short black actor who died of a type of dwarfism) was in the Washington DC metro - Blue line heading for the Pentagon with another assassin who looked like Alexander Larson with a wig. There was a female, about 50, heavy with blonde hair along with them, along with another operative - a frogman resembling one of the Mollers who impersonate several USMIL officials, including one of the joint chiefs of staff. Larson or the dark eyed frogman may have met with a fake Secretary Carter, or they may have targetted the real one. I have posted the fake Carter's picture before, and he may be Krishniak or a relation of theirs. THESE ASSASSINS DO HAVE POSSESSION OF MY PENTAGON PASSES - WHICH HAD BEEN INTERCEPTED FROM ME AT LEAST A HUNDRED TIMES. I was kept from visiting the Pentagon today by their presence. They are extremely aggressive about taking down real Pentagon officials. They claim to work for the Pentagon, but I believe they work for the faction of Nazis related to the Gantz gang in South Carolina. They were Nazi war criminals after WW2, and they are prolific slave traders. They have stalked me all my life, since they kidnapped me when I was 2 or 3 years old.
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